Monday, April 28, 2008

Spring Cleaning #28

Getting Things Done - I can't say I found this "new" organizational philosophy all that exciting. It sounds like all the others. "Main priorities first," "touch things only once," "stay focused and undistracted," "develop a routine and stick to it,"

And lots of business buzzwords: "paradigm," "8 levels," "maximize with a simplified systemology" etc.
But I suppose hearing the basics reiterated is always useful. As is knowing lots of ways to have yourself reminded of tasks on your list; e-mail, voicemail, text messages, on-line sites & calendars...

I myself like to use printed lists and calendars that I update in Word or Publisher. I can add to them in an instant with a pen without "disconnecting" totally from my work flow. I can scratch down notes even during meetings without turning on, silencing, logging on, accessing charging[or accidentally dropping] any devices. And I get to chew on my pen as a bonus.

But I find the on-line organizational tools interesting and will keep them in mind for possible use in the future. They may wind up being useful to me now that I've been made aware of them.

But let's face it, deleting a reminder note is never as satisfying as scratching through it with a pen. And every time you read through the list you get to rediscover the items you've been victorious against and enjoy the smug satisfaction all over again. I can get a sense of progress and momentum with a scratched off list.

And as Mel Brooks once said about writing by typing vs. pencil and paper, "it's easier to tell if an idea is crap and needs to be erased if it's written by hand in pencil. Typing makes it look too 'official' and already accepted, even if it's stupid."

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